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Traumatic Brain Injury and Sports

On Behalf of | Jun 28, 2019 | Firm News, Personal Injury Law

Sports and recreational activities are a great source of exercise and entertainment. Unfortunately, if proper precautions are not taken, sports also carry a high risk of injury. According to an article shared by the CDC, around 283,000 children in the United States seek emergency care for sports or recreation-related traumatic brain injuries each year.

Depending on the circumstances of the accident, victims of a traumatic brain injury related to sports may be due financial compensation for their losses. The attorneys at our Walnut Creek, CA legal practice, Bowles & Verna LLP, can examine the details of a case to determine who should be held liable for injury damages.

Traumatic brain injury results in catastrophic, and often lifelong, consequences, which may include changes in physical, cognitive, and emotional functions. The physical, emotional, and financial toll of a traumatic brain injury can be debilitating for injury victims and their families.

Sports with High Risk of Injury

Sports are highly physical activities, so any sport has the potential to cause an accident that could result in a traumatic brain injury. However, data presented by the CDC found that nearly half (or 45 percent) of sports-related traumatic brain injuries are sustained during a contact sport.

Based on injury statistics, sports and recreational activities that carry the highest risk of a traumatic brain injury include:

  • Football
  • Cycling
  • Basketball
  • Playground activities
  • Soccer

Preventing Traumatic Brain Injury in Sports

The only way to prevent a traumatic brain injury related to sports is to avoid sports and other high-risk recreational activities altogether. However, sports provide numerous health and emotional benefits to those who participate, so that really isn’t the ideal solution. Instead, we suggest our Walnut Creek clients find ways to enjoy sports safely.

By taking certain precautions, children and adults can minimize the risk of traumatic brain injury in sports.

  • Use protective equipment: Helmets, helmet modifiers, and mouth guards can all help to prevent head, neck, and face injuries for athletes.
  • Adhere to safety rules: Many sports have made rule changes to minimize the risk of concussion and other traumatic brain injuries. Coaches, players, and athletic directors should be aware of rule changes and enforce them during all sports activities, including practices.
  • Avoid aggressive acts: Competition is a key aspect of sports, but there is no need for aggressive or violent acts. Any inappropriate acts of aggression should be discouraged by sporting organizations.
  • Educate: Players, coaches, and all other athletic personnel should be aware of how to recognize the signs of a concussion, the process of treating a concussion, and protocol for returning to play after suffering from a concussion.

Collecting Compensation

If certain safety protocols are not followed or if a player deliberately injures another player, traumatic brain injury victims may have a right to seek compensation for injury damages. Potential avenues of compensation include medical expenses, lost wages, the cost of long-term medical assistance or rehabilitation, pain and suffering, and diminished quality of life. Our Walnut Creek attorneys will closely examine the details of each case so that we can seek maximum compensation for our clients.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a sports injury that resulted in a traumatic brain injury, the attorneys at Bowles & Verna LLP can help you get the financial compensation you may be due. To discuss the details of your case and learn more about your legal options, send us a message at your earliest convenience or call (925) 935-3300 to schedule a personal consultation.