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Staying calm and composed after a car accident

On Behalf of | Dec 4, 2024 | Auto Accidents

Staying calm is one of the most recommended things after a car accident. But how can you remain composed when someone fails to keep you safe as a road user?

Here is how you can remain calm after another driver crashes into you:

Take a few deep breaths

It may be unwise to leave your car immediately after a car accident. Consider remaining in for some time, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. You can take four deep breaths or count to 10 slowly.

Then, check yourself for injuries. Examine your body for visible injuries, like cuts, burns or bruises, and confirm if you have a headache or pain when moving your head. 

Further, move your neck to check for stiffness and assess your back for pain, stiffness or soreness. Lastly, check for pain in your chest, abdomen and limbs. After checking yourself for injuries, do the same for your passengers if you have any. By this time, you should be calm, and if you are not severely injured (you can move around), you should be ready to exchange information with the other driver.

What are the benefits of remaining calm at an accident scene?

It’s crucial to think clearly at an accident scene, from observing the surroundings to interacting with the other driver and witnesses. When you are angry, you may fail to notice a crucial piece of evidence or make a decision that can negatively impact your claim if you file one. Calmly interacting with others can also increase their chances of cooperating. The other driver may refuse to exchange information when you confront them.

It’s necessary to remain calm and collected after a car accident. You should also obtain more information to determine how to fight for your rights.